Pray for Tajikistan

Pray for the 9 million Tajiks, Uzbeks, Afghans, Pamiri and others who are still waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus

Pray for the People Groups of Tajikistan

The Tajiks of Central Asia are the oldest surviving people group in the region. Their homeland, Tajikistan, is the mountainous center of Asia, surrounded by the Asian republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan.


The 7.2 million Tajiks have a rich history & share a cultural heritage with other Persians, including Irani and many Tajik Afghans


Though most reside in next door Uzbekistan, 1.2 million Uzbeks live and work in Tajikistan, especially in the Eastern regions.


The 50,000 Shugni people are well-known for toughing out the harsh conditions of life high in the Fann Mountains.


Facing constant turmoil in Afghanistan, many Tajik, Hazara and other ethnic groups have sought refuge in Tajikistan.

Prayer Ideas

There are countless ideas, opportunities and regularly updated prayer needs.
Here are a few ongoing needs. Get started here.
Contact us for more.

Pray for Tajik Men Tajik men have left their families to work abroad. Pray for God to restore families, grow the economy and bring healing where there is brokenness and poverty.
Central Asia’s complex blend of peoples, borders and flailing economies needs Godly leadership.
Pray for Tajik families who struggle to get by day-to-day and as prices double for many essentials.
Pray for the Kyrgyz in Tajikistan where discrimination and violence mar relationships.
Pray for children to hear the story of the Good News.
Pray for God’s protection on the needy as many cannot find work.

Let’s Talk

Want to be a part of what God is doing in Central Asia? Let’s talk about what the needs are here and how you can pray or volunteer.

Stories from the Field

God is at work.
Here are a few stories from the places and lives He is impacting.

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